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[Solved] File system error 16389

I have a LG DVD RW (supper multi - securDisc) from last year. It has worked well for burning data to
CDs and also for burning DVDs (directly from an application). It will also
read CDs and DVDs without a problem.

Today, when i try burn a image to a bland DVD and get the following error "The inserted disc is NOT rewrittable!"

What is happening ???

I get the following error "Filesystem error 16389" when I try to create a new folder on the blank DVD-R disc.

 This error does not occur when I create a folder on a CD disc!!!

I have try two blank DVD & two DVD-RW ( on my laptop & Desktop ) but get the same error.

 Unfortunately, I found the problem
is that Windows XP
does not support writable DVD media ( from micrsoft suggest) .

 This is ridiculous !!!!!

Haizzz... I guess i have to use an application
such as Nero to write files to DVD+/-R.

And i was right!! ^_^

I think this infomation will be useful with you. :)

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